The symposium is the natural outgrowth of the work of the Emory-Tibet Science Initiative, a comprehensive educational program designed to teach science specifically to Tibetan monastics. Featuring six sessions over three days, His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama will participate in the panel discussions following the main presentations. The first session will include remarks by His Holiness, as well as a presentation looking at the history of the relationship between Buddhism and science in order to contextualize the proceedings. Four sessions will be devoted to a core topic selected from each of the four disciplines taught within the ETSI curriculum: Philosophy of Science, Biology, Physics and Neuroscience. The final sixth session will focus on the future of this convergence of perspectives, including its irelationship to His Holiness' vision for secular ethics, as well as His Holiness’ concluding remarks.
All presenters and panelists will be invited by the Executive Committee of the Symposium. Unfortunately unsolicitied presentations cannot be considered for inclusion. The symposium web pages will be updated with additional information regarding additional participating presenters and panelists as they are confirmed. Details on schedule wil be posted as they are available.